Wednesday, October 9, 2013


 In my first newsletter, I recommended to buy BAC on a scale down basis starting @$14  down to $13.55 a share.
If you are looking for penny stocks, day trades, I'm not your man! I am a long term thinker.
Having said that, there is a way to take advantage of short term situations of your individual stock holdings by using cover call options.
For example, back in late 2012, I bought DIS @ $50.29. When the DOW first hit the 15,500 mark,  DIS rallied to $68. I sold October 70 strike price calls @ $2.50 and collected $250 for every call I sold. For every 100 shares of DIS I owned I could sell 1 covered call, because 1 call represents 100 shares of stock.
Now, what does that mean? I believed that DIS stock would not reach $70 by October 18th, 2013. These are the kind of opportunities to enhance your percentage of profit on your individual stock holdings.
Now, what is the downside on my DIS trade?
What if DIS closes over $70 a share on October 18th, 2013.
If that happens, my DIS shares will be called away @ $70 a share and I will keep the $250 for each DIS call I sold.
If that happens, I sold my DIS shares @ $72.50 a share. That is approximately a 45% return in 11 months and that does not include any dividends I may have collected!
However, DIS stock is now trading between $65 to $66 a share.
So I believe the call options, which expire October 18th,2013, will expire worthless. That means I keep the $250 per call I sold.
Now I see the same opportunity in AAPL and GOOG stocks.
In my opinion, I do not see AAPL achieving a stock price of $550 a share by January 18th, 2014. I do not see GOOG achieving a stock price of $1,000 a share by January 18th,2014.
So here are my recommendations - "IT'S JUST MY OPINION".
For every 100 shares you own of AAPL, I would sell 1 January 18th,2014 $550 strike price call @ $15.00 on an open order and collect $1,500 for each call, which gets credited to your account!
For ever 100 shares you own of GOOG, sell 1 January 18th, 2014 $1,000 strike price @ $7.00 on an open order and collect $700 for each call, which gets credited to your account!
What is the worst case scenario?
If AAPL closes over $550 a share on January 18th, 2014 - your AAPL shares will be called away, which is like selling your AAPL shares @ $565 a share on January 18th, 2014 and you keep the $1,500 you collected on each call.
If GOOG closes over $1,000 a share on January 18th, 2014 - your GOOG shares will be called away, which is like selling your GOOG shares @ $1,007.00 a share and you keep the $700 you collected on each call you sold.
If AAPL closes under $550 a share on January 18th, 2014 you keep the $ you collected on your calls. If GOOG closes under $1,000 a share on January 18th, 2014 you keep the $ you collected on your calls.

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