Thursday, October 3, 2013

The Next Move on the DOW

Here we go again!! The wall of worry. Between the FED tapering, Syria, the Government shutdown - in the long run it does not matter!
Back in May around the 20th, the DOW reached over 15,500. Then broke down little over 1,000 points to just under 14,600. Around June 23rd the DOW ran up to over 15,600. In early August the DOW broke down about 1,000 points to around 14,780. Late August early September the DOW climbed almost 1,000 points to over 15,700. Now it is possible the DOW could head down to around 14,900.
I see a pattern here! Higher highs and higher lows - that tells me the DOW is going a lot higher!
The next time the DOW trades over 15,700 for two days in a row the DOW will at some time late in 2013 the DOW will reach 17.550!
I am starting a weekly news letter "THAT'S JUST MY OPINION".
Depending on market situations, I may add more letters.
I have 11 stocks that need to be bought!
I'll give you one - BAC needs to be bought on a scale down basis starting @ $14 down to $13.55. In the next 14 months this stock will reach $20 a share.
You can subscribe to my newsletter today!
For the low monthly rate of $50!

Thank You
Len Dwelle

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