Friday, October 25, 2013


                                         "IT'S JUST MY OPINION" - VOL. - 5

On Friday CNBC and Bloomberg had a lot of guests that were warning traders that there could be a major correction in the stock market. BULL!! Not if, but when the DOW closes over 15,709.58 for two consecutive days, the DOW will reach 17,500 at some point before the year ends! Don't miss the boat! Take your cash on hand and invest it in the stock market. Cash earns nothing! However, you must buy the correct stocks - no speculative stocks! That is not to say it will be a straight line up. Remember we will still have to climb the wall of worry - Washington politics, China etc. etc..
I have 11 stocks that you need in your portfolio - "IT'S JUST MY OPINION". However, you need to subscribe to my service to find out what they are and why I recommend them!
Next week we having a slew of earnings reports.
Monday: AAPL,CNA street estimates .76 cents, MRK street estimates .88 cents, TEN street estimates .95 cents just to name a few.
Tuesday: AET street estimates $1.53, ADM street estimates .48 cents, BP street estimates $1.00, OXY street estimates $1.91, VLO street estimates .49 cents just to name a few.
Wednesday: CMCSK street estimates .63 cents, GM street estimates .91 cents.
Thursday: BUD street estimates $1.32, CLX street estimates $1.00, COP street estimates $1.46, XOM street estimates $1.79, MA street estimates $6.95
Friday: BRK.B street estimates $1.60, CVX street estimates $2.75.
On Monday watch for AAPL earnings - not so much the earning, but how the stock trades toward the end of the day-it should be interesting!

Thank You;
Len Dwelle

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