Tuesday, October 29, 2013


                                     "IT'S JUST MY OPINION" - VOL. 9

Listen up! I just sold my BAC stock just now @ $14.12 - Why - The market is up over 90 points on the DOW and this stock is down. I'm looking at the charts and all indications this stock is going lower! I am going to use the proceeds to try to purchase the Twitter IPO! I know I recommended this stock on a scale down purchase not that long ago - but you have not lost $ on my recommendation!
Take the $ and run - there is something wrong with this stocks action and I do not like it!!!
Thank You,
Len Dwelle

Monday, October 28, 2013

                                             IT'S JUST MY OPINION" - VOL. 8

If you sold covered calls on AAPL the Jan. $550 call at $15 - collecting $1,500 a call!
Put in right now to buy that call back on an open order @ $7.00! Collect the $800 a call!

                                    "IT'S JUST MY OPINION" -  VOL. 7 - IPO OPPORTUNITY!

Listen up - to anyone that has a large portfolio - call your broker and ask him or her to put in an indication to buy Twitter on the IPO price. Supposedly, it will be coming out at a $17 a share price.
This would be a steal! This will not be the cluster-mess that Facebook came out at - first of all its coming out on the NYSE - not the NASDAQ! "IT'S JUST MY OPINION" that this IPO will be share holder friendly IPO!

Thank You;
Len Dwelle

Saturday, October 26, 2013


                             "IT'S JUST MY OPINION" - VOL.6 -OPPORTUNITY IS KNOCKING!!!

To all of you that are under 55 years of age - listen up! The next 7 years will present the best opportunity to make big money in the US stock market! This is not the time to sit on the sidelines if you want to retire with a nest egg, because social security income upon retirement is not going to cut it with inflation, Medicare and Medicare supplement insurance! We are all living longer - you will  need extra money just to exist in the life style of your dreams! You need the proper stock portfolio to achieve your goals - I have that proper portfolio! My wife and my son have that portfolio. They are up 33.78% so far this year!
If you are on the sidelines right now and not involved in the stock market, think about this for a minute. I started working full time in 1969. If I was allowed to put my social security withholdings into a DOW fund back then I would be worth over 10 million dollars today - think about that!
You need to think about your financial future - that's why I started this blog - it's for you and your future!
Enough of the lecture. Let's get started on the path to prosperity together!
Sign up for my blog - if you don't like it after a month - cancel!

Thank You,
Len Dwelle

Friday, October 25, 2013


                                         "IT'S JUST MY OPINION" - VOL. - 5

On Friday CNBC and Bloomberg had a lot of guests that were warning traders that there could be a major correction in the stock market. BULL!! Not if, but when the DOW closes over 15,709.58 for two consecutive days, the DOW will reach 17,500 at some point before the year ends! Don't miss the boat! Take your cash on hand and invest it in the stock market. Cash earns nothing! However, you must buy the correct stocks - no speculative stocks! That is not to say it will be a straight line up. Remember we will still have to climb the wall of worry - Washington politics, China etc. etc..
I have 11 stocks that you need in your portfolio - "IT'S JUST MY OPINION". However, you need to subscribe to my service to find out what they are and why I recommend them!
Next week we having a slew of earnings reports.
Monday: AAPL,CNA street estimates .76 cents, MRK street estimates .88 cents, TEN street estimates .95 cents just to name a few.
Tuesday: AET street estimates $1.53, ADM street estimates .48 cents, BP street estimates $1.00, OXY street estimates $1.91, VLO street estimates .49 cents just to name a few.
Wednesday: CMCSK street estimates .63 cents, GM street estimates .91 cents.
Thursday: BUD street estimates $1.32, CLX street estimates $1.00, COP street estimates $1.46, XOM street estimates $1.79, MA street estimates $6.95
Friday: BRK.B street estimates $1.60, CVX street estimates $2.75.
On Monday watch for AAPL earnings - not so much the earning, but how the stock trades toward the end of the day-it should be interesting!

Thank You;
Len Dwelle

Sunday, October 20, 2013

What's next?

                                "IT'S JUST MY OPINION" - VOL - 4

I am announcing today to past and present subscribers that 10% of your proceeds will be donated to the Jimmy V Foundation for cancer research.
Now that we have gone through all the noise in Washington, what's next for the stock market?
Again, I go back to earnings! This weeks calendar starts Monday with DOW component MCD.
Tuesday, we have KMB, FCX, CMT, PCH, WHR.
Wednesday, we have BA, BMY, CAT, NSC, NOC.
Thursday, we have MMM, MO, CL, DOW, F, HSY, RTN, LUV.
Friday, we have ABBV, PG, UPS, WY.
Like I said on the last blog, we are finding out the CEO's who are guiding their companies in the right direction and those that are not! IBM as a perfect example - what a lousy quarter!! GOOG, I was not the only one that did not see that blowout quarter coming, most of Wall Street did not either!
Please be very careful about GOOG. I can tell you for certain, that all the analysts on Wall Street will raise their price targets starting Monday to very high levels. Do you remember when AAPL reached over $700 a share that analysts raised their upside targets to $1,000 and over? Do you remember what happened next? The stock crashed to under $400 a share. Please be careful when analysts upgrade or downgrade stocks, because they are for the most part wrong and late to the party!!!
I'm not saying GOOG will follow what happened to AAPL, because I don't think it will, however look back to what happened to money flows back when AAPL was upgraded! Money flowed out of AAPL into GOOG. Just watch and pay attention if GOOG starts to go down and AAPL starts to go up - that will tell you money is flowing out of GOOG into AAPL. Pay Attention!
Now, let's look at BAC - I recommended that it should be bought starting at $14 to down to $13.55.
Well you would have bought BAC at $14 and maybe at $13.75 - that's a winner!
CLMT, which will report earnings on October 30th has been acting well and the street has lowered earnings expectations for the upcoming quarter to .26 cents a share from .31 cents! That to me means if they beat that number, look out CLMT will rally - watch the earnings and guidance, that will be the key!
The stock I want you to look at is ABT. They reported earnings that beat the street and raised their dividend 57%! Look to buy ABT at $37 on a scale down basis to $35.75. When ABT hits a new 52 week high of $38.77, this stock should take off to the upside.
Next week, I will give you 11 stocks I believe you should have in your portfolio!
Now, for all you high net worth investors, I have a recommendation. If you believe like I do, that 5% to 10% of your portfolio should be invested in some type of managed futures, I highly suggest that you contact Steven Hansen. Go to http://foremosttrading.com

Thank You.
Len Dwelle

Saturday, October 19, 2013

What next?

                             "IT'S JUST MY OPINION" - vol. 4

Today, I am announcing to past and present subscribers that 10% of your subscription rate will go to the Jimmy V Foundation for cancer research!
This just in - the Washington Redskins are changing their name! They are dropping the word Washington! After the debt fiasco last week in Washington, I don't blame them.
Well, well, well, we are finding out quickly that this is not a stock market - this is a market of stocks!
Looking at the earnings so far, many stocks are beating the street earnings.
Then there are spoilers like IBM - ouch! Your killing the DOW average. Every 10 points down on IBM is costing the DOW 55 points!
Then there's GOOG, man I wasn't the only one that did not see their incredible earnings report coming - the entire street did not either!
Now watch all the analysts ramp up their price targets Monday morning. However, remember when AAPL was trading over $700 a share and the analysts raised their target prices to over a $1,000 a share? AAPL soon after collapsed well under $400 a share! I do not think that will happen to GOOG, however be wary of upgrades and downgrades -most of the time they are way too late! Also, remember when AAPL started to go down - money flows were coming out AAPL and into GOOG. Watch to see if the reverse may happen this time around.
If you took advantage of my BAC call, you would have bought the stock @ $14 and again at $13.75,
CLMT is starting to act better - now watch for their earnings which will be reported between October 28th and October 31st which is expected to be ,31 cents a share,
My new recommendation is ABT. They reported good earnings and raised their dividend 57%.
"IT'S JUST MY OPINION" that ABT should be bought on a scale down basis - starting @ $37 down to $35.75. When this stock hits a new 52 week high, $38.77, it should be off to the races.
This week we have a slew of earnings reports. Make sure you keep an eye on the stocks you personally own especially if their earning are coming out this week!
Now next weeks blog will feature 11 stocks, "IT'S JUST MY OPINION" that you should have them in your portfolio!
For you high net worth investors, I would highly recommend that you invest at least 5% of your portfolio in a managed commodity fund. I highly recommend that you go to www.foremosttrading.com and ask for Steven Hanson.

Sunday, October 13, 2013


If you are a long term trader, do yourself a favor and do not watch the news on the debt. ceiling from now until the 18th of October! One senator will speak and the market goes up. One Congressman will speak and the market will go down. It's all noise!!!
Not even Washington, which is totally dysfunctional, will default on our debt!
The only programs I want to watch and watch carefully are Bloomberg and CNBC. Why?
Earnings, earnings and earnings!
Starting Tuesday through the first week in November, every major company will report their earnings!
We will find out which companies have great CEO'S and which do not!
What to look for you ask?
Did the company you own stock in beat the street estimates?
What is their forward guidance?
Did they raise their dividend?
Did they announce a new buy back program?
If the answer to those questions is yes - this market will take off to the upside!
Will the market fluctuate between now and the 18th?
Yes! If you are a long term trader does it matter? No!
This is the week to pay attention to earning! Do your homework on each stock that you personally own!
"IT'S JUST MY OPINION" , that the overall earnings season will be a surprise on the upside!
That's not to say some stocks will not meet earnings expectations.
Now, let's say that Washington in their stupidity brings the US in a default circumstance!
Then your portfolio's of stocks are at total risk!
If that were to happen I have a friend in Chicago you need to contact immediately if not sooner.
I have known him over 35 years. He handles individual portfolio's for names you would know!
From time to time he will hedge his clients stock holdings by selling S&P futures to protect them. He is the best at protecting clients money! Send me an e-mail and I'll send you his name and phone number.
I have done a lot of chart work over 44 years, candlestick, point and figure and others - not to bore you. "IT'S JUST MY OPINION" that the DOW and the NASDAQ will outperform the S&P for the rest of the year.
Now, there is a stock I have been tracking for over 3 years, that you may want to keep an eye on.
CLMT - current yield around 9.18% or higher depending on where the stock closes on a particular day. CLMT is down 20% in the last 6 months, because the last two quarterly earnings were below expectations. According to John Egan writer for the industrial info resource. "North Dakota is having a genuine grassroot refinery boom. Given that the last grassroot refinery to be built in the US broke ground when Jimmy Carter was president."
CLMT closed @ $28.69 - next earnings October 28th - estimated earnings .31 cents.
This quarter may miss also so be careful. However, "IT'S JUST MY OPINION" that it is already backed into the stock price. After earnings this stock could go down to near $26 a share.
Be aware of two things. 1 - the EPA maybe changing refinery rules shortly and 2- If and when the Keystone pipeline is approved  "IT'S JUST MY OPINION" this stock should be bought.
                              Thank You,
Len Dwelle 

Wednesday, October 9, 2013


 In my first newsletter, I recommended to buy BAC on a scale down basis starting @$14  down to $13.55 a share.
If you are looking for penny stocks, day trades, I'm not your man! I am a long term thinker.
Having said that, there is a way to take advantage of short term situations of your individual stock holdings by using cover call options.
For example, back in late 2012, I bought DIS @ $50.29. When the DOW first hit the 15,500 mark,  DIS rallied to $68. I sold October 70 strike price calls @ $2.50 and collected $250 for every call I sold. For every 100 shares of DIS I owned I could sell 1 covered call, because 1 call represents 100 shares of stock.
Now, what does that mean? I believed that DIS stock would not reach $70 by October 18th, 2013. These are the kind of opportunities to enhance your percentage of profit on your individual stock holdings.
Now, what is the downside on my DIS trade?
What if DIS closes over $70 a share on October 18th, 2013.
If that happens, my DIS shares will be called away @ $70 a share and I will keep the $250 for each DIS call I sold.
If that happens, I sold my DIS shares @ $72.50 a share. That is approximately a 45% return in 11 months and that does not include any dividends I may have collected!
However, DIS stock is now trading between $65 to $66 a share.
So I believe the call options, which expire October 18th,2013, will expire worthless. That means I keep the $250 per call I sold.
Now I see the same opportunity in AAPL and GOOG stocks.
In my opinion, I do not see AAPL achieving a stock price of $550 a share by January 18th, 2014. I do not see GOOG achieving a stock price of $1,000 a share by January 18th,2014.
So here are my recommendations - "IT'S JUST MY OPINION".
For every 100 shares you own of AAPL, I would sell 1 January 18th,2014 $550 strike price call @ $15.00 on an open order and collect $1,500 for each call, which gets credited to your account!
For ever 100 shares you own of GOOG, sell 1 January 18th, 2014 $1,000 strike price @ $7.00 on an open order and collect $700 for each call, which gets credited to your account!
What is the worst case scenario?
If AAPL closes over $550 a share on January 18th, 2014 - your AAPL shares will be called away, which is like selling your AAPL shares @ $565 a share on January 18th, 2014 and you keep the $1,500 you collected on each call.
If GOOG closes over $1,000 a share on January 18th, 2014 - your GOOG shares will be called away, which is like selling your GOOG shares @ $1,007.00 a share and you keep the $700 you collected on each call you sold.
If AAPL closes under $550 a share on January 18th, 2014 you keep the $ you collected on your calls. If GOOG closes under $1,000 a share on January 18th, 2014 you keep the $ you collected on your calls.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

The Next Move on the DOW

Here we go again!! The wall of worry. Between the FED tapering, Syria, the Government shutdown - in the long run it does not matter!
Back in May around the 20th, the DOW reached over 15,500. Then broke down little over 1,000 points to just under 14,600. Around June 23rd the DOW ran up to over 15,600. In early August the DOW broke down about 1,000 points to around 14,780. Late August early September the DOW climbed almost 1,000 points to over 15,700. Now it is possible the DOW could head down to around 14,900.
I see a pattern here! Higher highs and higher lows - that tells me the DOW is going a lot higher!
The next time the DOW trades over 15,700 for two days in a row the DOW will at some time late in 2013 the DOW will reach 17.550!
I am starting a weekly news letter "THAT'S JUST MY OPINION".
Depending on market situations, I may add more letters.
I have 11 stocks that need to be bought!
I'll give you one - BAC needs to be bought on a scale down basis starting @ $14 down to $13.55. In the next 14 months this stock will reach $20 a share.
You can subscribe to my newsletter today!
For the low monthly rate of $50!

Thank You
Len Dwelle
