Saturday, January 18, 2014


                                                "THAT'S JUST MY OPINION" - VOL. - 28
I'm looking at earnings so far and what I see is that the earnings of the retail stocks for the most part were disappointing to say the least - who cares? The American consumer benefited from discounts that were too severe for those companies to have a good fourth quarter!! I could care less - Americans benefited  and those companies did not!!! I hope you noticed , I have no retail stocks in my portfolio for that reasons!!!!
Let's look at earnings reported so far - Wells Fargo - Bank Of America - Goldman Sacks, all reported not only good earnings - but great guidance. The only dog was Citi (C)  earnings report was a disaster to say the least!!! They need to spin off some of their components - when I see that, I will again recommend this stock!!! Thanks Citi for your lousy quarterly report - making the market very confused!!!!
Investors never fear - there are a lot of earnings still not reported!!! I have confidence that in the next three weeks we will see great earnings!!!
Let's see who is reporting this week.
Tuesday - HAL - street estimates 0.89 cents
JNJ - street estimates $1.20
Wednesday - ABT - street estimates $1.20
Thursday - JCI - street estimates 0.69 cents
MCD - street estimates $1.39
Friday -PG - street estimates $1.21
Just to name a few!!!!
Let's look at the week!!
The DOW closed at 16,458.56 - up 26.51 or up 0.13%
ABT closed at $39.40 - up .05 cents or up 0.13%
ABBV closed at $50.06 - down .044 cents or down 0.87%
DIS closed at $73.98 down $1.41 or down 1.87%
NKE closed at $73.39 down $3.53 or down 4.59%
AIG   closed at $50.89 down $1.33 or down 2.55%
NSTG - closed at $19.79 up 0.28 cents or up 1.44%
SD - closed at $5.99 down  0.07 cents or down 1.16%
MU - closed at $22.38 down $1.33 or down 5.61%
JCI - closed at $51.06 down 0.51 cents or down 1.03%
C - closed at $52.27 down $2.45 or down 4.48%
AMGN - closed at $119.25 or up $1.16 or up 0.98%
I sold all my NSTG shares @ $19.95 making $922.25 in two weeks or 18%!
I am looking to buy back this stock at around $17!!!!!
I bought more RIG @ $46.71
I bought RIG 02/22/14 $41 calls @ $6.10
I bought NKE 02/22/14 $70 calls @ $4.00
I bought C 02/22/14 $50 calls @ $2.70
AMGN calls I bought @ $14.50 02/22/14 $100 calls closed at $19.20 - I want you to sell those calls @ $20.20 on an open order!!!
SD calls I bought @ .095 cents the 02/22/14 $5.00 calls closed at $1.02 - I want you to sell them @ $1.12 on an open order!!
ABT calls I bought @ $1.70 closed at $2.52 bid and at $2.63 offer - I want you to sell those call @ $3.00 on an open order!!!
I was looking for stocks to buy in the future.
I saw an article from "UNCOMMON WISDOM DAILY"
By Tony Sagami
Basically what it said.
was that 2 million more babies will be born in China!!
That should help PG and KMB which have penetrated the China market - that should be put on our radar!!
                                               "THAT'S JUST MY OPINION"
Thank You;
Len Dwelle 

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