Friday, January 3, 2014


                                            "THAT'S JUST MY OPINION" - VOL. - 21
With most of the money managers still on vacation - the first 2 trading days had very little volume! The spreads on most stocks between the bid price and the offer price was so wide - you could have driven a truck through it!!!
Monday starts the real action in the market! Do not be fooled how the first 2 trading days started out - January is going to finish strong and I'll give you reasons why!
1. - earnings start coming out in earnest in the middle of the month - earnings will be surprisingly much better than the street expects! Better yet, companies will give strong upbeat future guidance!
2. - Here is something the pundits are not talking about, but you need to know!
The total number of US households that have some kind of IRA or 401K's or Sep. accounts is an astounding 121.1 million families. When I saw that figure I could not believe it! I thought about it for awhile and I remembered that there are people that have as many as 4 of these accounts, so my conclusion is that the family numbers my be wrong, but the 121.1 million figure is correct. I got that figure from three different sources.
Now here is the kicker! According to the IRS the average account will deposit an average of $2,700 into each one of these accounts by April 15th, 2014 - for tax reasons! Most of that money will be deposited well before April 15th - I believe!
Do you know how much money that is?
Where do you think most of that money will go into?
I believe most of that will find its way into the US stock market!
Why hasn't anyone brought this up?
3. In my last blog, I warned you about the US treasuries. Have you noticed how the interest rates have started to creep up? I can see the US 10 year treasury bond at 4% by the end of the year!
If you are long US treasuries - you will lose money.
In my last blog, I suggested that you call Steven Hanson at Foremost Trading and see how you can enhance your stock portfolio with ways to take advantage of rising interest rates! It costs nothing to call him and see what he suggests! 1-888-818-0880  EXT. 536.
Now, lets check out this last week!
Remember the following figures will include the last 2 days of trading in 2013!
The DOW was down 8.42 or down 0.05%
My holdings:
ABT - up 0.27 cents or up 0.70%
ABBV - down 0.25 cents or down 0.48%
DIS - up $1.76 or up 2.37%
AIG - down 0.26 cents or down 0.51%
MU - down 0.55 cents or down 2.56%
C - up $1.14 or up 2.18%
NKE - down 0.13 cents or down 0.17%
JCI - I wanted to buy this stock on a scale down basis starting @$50.23 down to $48.95.
The low for the week was $50
I bought a third of a position @ $50.23
SD - I bought 40 call options 02/22/2014 $5 calls @ 0.95 cents - closed @ $1.05
NSTG - I bought on Tues. @ $17.09 - it closed @ $17.08.
I want to buy more @ $16.55.
ABT calls - Tues. I bought calls 02/22/2014 $37 calls @ $1.70 - it closed @ $2.02
AMGN - on Tues. I bought calls 02/22/2014 $100 calls @ $14.75 - it closed @ $15.10
I want to buy more @ $14.40
DIS - on Tues. I sold covered calls 03/22/2014 $77.50 calls @ $2.40 - it closed @ $2.34.
MU was down on a downgrade - I read the report - the guys wrong - his conclusions were insane!!!!

Happy New Year!!!!
Thank you;
Len Dwelle 

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