Sunday, January 5, 2014


                                                         "THAT'S JUST MY OPINION" - VOL - 22
The first question - I was asked. "why don't you put in some kind of warning to investors about a market downfall?"
If you have followed my blog for the last 9 or more months, I have warned investors that the pundits were warning about a large corrections in the market and their reasoning was unsound and worse stupid!!!
Their logic made absolutely no sense to me! Syria - Egypt - Let me ask you this - how many products do you have in your house from Syria and Egypt? I may be one of a few, but I have none - so who cares!
Oh, but that will disrupt our oil supplies - wake up -the US is on the road to energy independence despite the EPA!
Oh, what about a China slowdown in their economy? With a population over a BILLION people and with a rising middle class that wants AMERICAN products - they will import every product we can produce!
I am sick and tired of listening to market pundits trying to pick a top in this market so they can make a name for themselves!! When I see tell tale signs of a market correction - believe me you will here it from me. That's why you have to keep my blog post and check it everyday so you are not caught off guard!!!!
If I see warning signs - I'll let you know. This is another reason to call Steven Hanson at Foremost Trading, for the just in case scenario!  Phone # 888-818-0880 EXT. 536.
Second question - Why don't you recommend AAPL or GOOG?
Don't get me wrong- I love these stocks, however my goal is to top my 2013 returns and get to the 30% return for the year.
AAPL closed at $540.93 - for it to go up 30% for the year it has to attain a price of $703.21!!!
That is not my concern - it's how many shares can I buy at a price of  $540.93 to make it worth while?
GOOG closed at $1105.00 - for it to go up 30% for the year it has attain a price of $1436.50!!!!
Same scenario - has many shares can I buy to make it worth while?
Third question - What about housing in 2014 and beyond?
Good question and here's my answer.
Hedge funds have gone out and bought over 200,000 foreclosed homes so far and they are going to buy more!!!!
Why is this a factor?
Because from 2005 to 2007 anyone that owned a pencil could get a mortgage!!!
When I bought my first house, I had to put 20% down!!
These people took advantage of a situation that they had no right to get involved with!!
Now we are in a situation that you have to put skin in the game and these new families cannot come up with 20% down - so they have to rent!!!!
In the next year or so there will not be any existing homes left to sell - home prices will skyrocket!!!
                                                    "THAT'S JUST MY OPINION"

Thank You.
Len Dwelle

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