Friday, January 10, 2014


                                                   "THAT'S JUST MY OPINION" -VOL. 23
I hate to keep bringing this up - It's not a stock market - it's having the correct stocks!!!!
Example - the DOW was down for the week 32.94 or down 0.20%
My wife and my son's accounts were up $2,393.71 for the week!!!!
Let's examine their portfolio!
ABT - up 0.93 for the week or up 2.41%
ABBV - down $1.40 for the week or down 2.68%
DIS - down .072 cents for the week or down 0.95%
NKE - down $1.11 or down for the week 1.42%
AIG - up $1.30 or up 2.55% for the week
NSTG - up $2.43 or up 14.23% for the week
SD - up .012 cents or up 2.02% for the week
JCI - up $1.07 or up 2.12% for the week
C - up $1.32 or up 2.47% for the week
MU - up $2.74 or up 13.07% for the week
I told you that that analyst who downgraded MU was wrong!!!!!
ABT calls I bought at $1.70 the 02/22/2014 $37 calls closed at $2.61
AMGN calls I bought down to $14.40 closed at  $17.95 bid
SD calls I bought at 0.95 cents closed at $1.08
DIS the covered calls I sold 03/22/2014 at $2.40 closed at $1.76
JCI the low for the week was $50.09 - I bought more at $50.23
NSTG the low for the week was $16.28 - I bought more at $16.55

Now for my rant of the week!
U.S. Employers hired the fewest number of workers in almost three years in December - Really - Typical Government stats - they are always wrong! - Wait for the revision in January!!! I do not trust any Government numbers and I am going to explain why - and if you do not believe me - go on line!
These are statements from "MONEY MORNING" that can be found on Google!
I wish I could credit to the staff reporter that reported this and I apologizes to him, but he deserves the credit!!! And I quote from this article.
There is another side to the U.S. unemployment problem. Believe it or not , there are 3 million jobs going unfilled.
Employer's can't seem to find the right match for more than 200,000 manufacturing jobs alone.
The Transportation, utilities and trade sectors have almost a half million jobs open, waiting for the right applicants.
These positions are for vocational or skilled workers, who are in short supply.
Robert Funk, chairman and chief executive of EXPRESS EMPLOYMENT PROFESSIONALS, a national staffing firm based in Oklahoma City that helped 335,000 people land jobs last year, told the NEW YORK TIMES "We currently have 18,000 open jobs orders we cannot fill"
How can so many jobs remain unfilled with U.S. unemployment so high?
One explanation is that many would-be workers lack the necessary skills to fill these positions than we've seen coming out of past recessions. Fink said.
There is a growing need for tradesmen, such as auto mechanics, appliance repairmen, plumbers,electricians and more!
Students that take vocational training in high school can graduate on a path that pushes them forward toward a career.
But many instead opt for college and end up not graduating, and lack the skills for many of these in-demand positions!
More young people should give the trades a longer look, salaries in many cases are quite good! And a student beginning his career immediately after high school has a four year head start compared to classmates who start their job search after college.
Take a look at these examples of jobs that do not require a college degree, but require skilled employees:
Elevator Repairmen and Installers
Average annual salary: $74,000
Subway and Streetcar Drivers/ Operators
Average annual salary: $59,000
Rotary Drill Operators, Oil and Gas
Average annual salary; $58,540
Average annual salary; $52,900
Brick Mason
Average annual salary; $50,760
And so on!
It may be time to explore adding more vocational tech classes to our high schools!!!! 
                                                  "THAT'S JUST MY OPINION"
But Washington  doesn't get it!!!
Thank You;
Len Dwelle

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