Wednesday, January 15, 2014


                                                 "THAT'S JUST MY OPINION" - VOL - 27
I apologize for you followers about how I posted VOL. - 21 in front of VOL. - 26 !
Well here's what happened. I am 67 years old and my computer skills sometimes are lacking!!!!!
My wife pointed out to me 2 days ago, that the additional VOL. - 21, I wrote on January 3rd, 2014, I forgot to hit the publish button. So any of you out there that are over 67 years old please get computer advice from your 10 year old grandson or in my case my 20 years younger wonderful wife!!!!
Well the market is setting up to hit new all-time highs - shortly.
I told you to pay attention to bank earnings - so far so good and with good forward guidance, which is even more important. We have more bank earnings tomorrow.
Today I bought RIG @ $47.51 - only a third of a position I want to accumulate!

Why, well - Carl Icahn bought about 6% of the total float of outstanding shares at a price of $49!
If I can ever get a better price than Carl - entering into a stock position - I'd do it every time!!
I hope I cleared up any confusion, I may have caused!!!
Trivia question - there are 4 quarterbacks left in the NFL playoffs. Which quarterback was NOT drafted by a Major League Baseball Team?
Better yet - which quarterback was drafted by the Montreal Expos?
Stay tuned to my next post on Saturday - with my wife's help!!!
                                               "THAT'S JUST MY OPINION"
Thank You;
Len Dwelle

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