Monday, January 27, 2014


                                                       "THAT'S JUST MY OPINION" - VOL 21
For the first time since I have started this bolg - I am starting to get nervous about this market!!!!!!
Why?  Let's start with retail - retail stocks on the most part have reported lousy earnings!!!
The December employment figures were lousy - to say the least!!!!
Earnings on AAPL today after the close were good - but they cannot keep up with demand - thus the stock is down around $40 after the close!!!!
JCI - reported great earnings and good forward guidance - and the stock is getting hammered !!!!
The GOP is threatening to challenge the debt ceilings!!!!!!
Obama's State of the Union speech tomorrow night!!! Which will be a disaster!!!!
This is my time to rant!!!!!!!
When in GOD'S name is he every going to take blame for all of his dysfunctional programs??????
Affordable Care Act is anything BUT AFFORDABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Four things he could do but will not do!!!!!
1) Give small business a tax break!!!! So they can hire more people!!!!
2) Give the OK for the  Keystone pipeline !!!!   JOBS!!! JOBS!!!! JOBS!!!!!
3) Give a tax credit to covert all 18 wheeler trucks in the US from diesel engines to natural gas engines - getting rid of the most pollutant fuel on the planet!!!!
4) How many gas stations are there in the US? - All those gas stations would have to be equipped with natural gas pumps - Think about how many jobs that would create ??????
5) He claims he wants to create jobs - but he does not have a clue how to do it!!!!!!
6) The US needs a leader - not a politician!!!!!
                                                         "THAT'S JUST MY OPINION"
We are in for at least two weeks of a market downfall!!!!!!
Keep your powder dry and cash on the side - because when this market turns around to the upside - and this market will finally turn to the upside - you will need to be in it!!!!!!!!!!
My son and my wife have 25% cash sitting on the sidelines waiting to invest!!!!!
They also put in the max amount into their IRA's - also waiting to invest!!!!
Multiply all that money going into IRA'S ect. for tax reasons between now and April 15Th.
That is why in the long run - this market eventually will go higher!!!!!
I will keep you informed - what stocks to buy and what price to buy them!!!!
If you do not subscribe soon - my rates are going to $150 a month!!!!!!
And you will only be allowed to see my sight once a month - at the end of the month -much to late for you to react - YOUR CHOICE!!!!!
                                                   "THAT'S JUST MY OPINION"
Thank You;
Len Dwelle

Friday, January 24, 2014


                                                     "THAT'S JUST MY OPINION" - VOL. - 30
On the last trading day of the 2013 - the DOW closed at 16,576.60! Today it closed at 15,879.45!!! Or down 697.15 for the year so far! Or down 4.2056% so far this year! Why? Oh - on Thursday China reported a manufacturing reading that showed the first contraction in six months - 49.6 when the street was looking for a 50.5 number! Argentina is about to de-value!! My question to you is who gives a sh-t!!!!!
Argentina? I'm sorry!!!!! This is a much bigger problem - people buying stocks on margin - because when it goes against them and they get margin calls - they sell!!! NEVER - NEVER buy stocks on margin!!!! This market was looking for an excuse to sell off - well they got that with the retail stocks reporting bad earnings and then C reported bad earnings, which hurt the bank stocks!! So people rushed into buying 10 years, which started the yield curve to flatten - which hurt the entire bank sector!!! Thus hurt the driver of the market to the upside!! So what happens now? Make a list of stocks you want to own!!! And starting Tuesday morning start to buy them on a scale down basis!!!! I'll give you 4 of my favorites.
1. - JCI - buy starting @ $43.50 on down
2. - AIG - buy starting @ $46.10 on down
3. - RIG - buy starting @ $42.65 on down
4. - NKE - buy starting @ $67.27 on down
On Friday I sold ABBV @ $48.80 - that completed my 75% profit - When I bought ABT before it split into ABBV and ABT!
I sold RIG 02/22/14 $41 calls @ $3.60 and lost $410
I sold NKE 02/22/14 $70 calls @ $2.40 and lost $360
I sold C 02/22/14 $50 calls @ $1.25 and lost $295
I sold C common stock @ $ 50.00  lost $103
So with  the market being down 4.2056% from the beginning of 2014, my wife and my son are only down 3.263% and I have a lot of cash left to invest when the iron is hot - and it will be soon!!!!
                                                        "THAT'S JUST MY OPINION"
Stay tuned - next week will be very interesting!!!!!
Thank You;
Len Dwelle

Wednesday, January 22, 2014


                                                    "THAT'S JUST MY OPINION" - VOL.- 29
Pay attention to the stocks in your portfolio when that company announces earnings!!! For example today ABT reported poor earnings and even worse poor guidance!! I sold on the opening all my ABT shares @ $38.57 and sold my 02/22/14 $37 calls @ $1.70 breaking even on that trade. The ABT common made 75%. So why sell it now? Remember I'm looking to make all of us 30% this year and I cannot do that with a stock that is going to go down for the next 3 months!!!!
Oh by the way remember the SD calls I bought - the 02/22/14 $5 calls @ .95 cents and I told you to sell @ $1.12 - that was filled yesterday - so you made money on that!!!
Also the AMGN 02/22/14 $100 calls I bought @ $14.50 and told you to sell @ $20.20 - that was filled today - so you made money on those calls!!
I bought more RIG 02/22/14 $41 calls @ $5.50 and have an open order to buy more calls @ $5.10 on an open order!
I bought more C 02/22/14 $50 calls @ $2.45 and have an open open order to buy more calls @ $2.00.
                                                       "THAT'S JUST MY OPINION"
Tune in Saturday for more advice!!!
Len Dwelle

Saturday, January 18, 2014


                                                "THAT'S JUST MY OPINION" - VOL. - 28
I'm looking at earnings so far and what I see is that the earnings of the retail stocks for the most part were disappointing to say the least - who cares? The American consumer benefited from discounts that were too severe for those companies to have a good fourth quarter!! I could care less - Americans benefited  and those companies did not!!! I hope you noticed , I have no retail stocks in my portfolio for that reasons!!!!
Let's look at earnings reported so far - Wells Fargo - Bank Of America - Goldman Sacks, all reported not only good earnings - but great guidance. The only dog was Citi (C)  earnings report was a disaster to say the least!!! They need to spin off some of their components - when I see that, I will again recommend this stock!!! Thanks Citi for your lousy quarterly report - making the market very confused!!!!
Investors never fear - there are a lot of earnings still not reported!!! I have confidence that in the next three weeks we will see great earnings!!!
Let's see who is reporting this week.
Tuesday - HAL - street estimates 0.89 cents
JNJ - street estimates $1.20
Wednesday - ABT - street estimates $1.20
Thursday - JCI - street estimates 0.69 cents
MCD - street estimates $1.39
Friday -PG - street estimates $1.21
Just to name a few!!!!
Let's look at the week!!
The DOW closed at 16,458.56 - up 26.51 or up 0.13%
ABT closed at $39.40 - up .05 cents or up 0.13%
ABBV closed at $50.06 - down .044 cents or down 0.87%
DIS closed at $73.98 down $1.41 or down 1.87%
NKE closed at $73.39 down $3.53 or down 4.59%
AIG   closed at $50.89 down $1.33 or down 2.55%
NSTG - closed at $19.79 up 0.28 cents or up 1.44%
SD - closed at $5.99 down  0.07 cents or down 1.16%
MU - closed at $22.38 down $1.33 or down 5.61%
JCI - closed at $51.06 down 0.51 cents or down 1.03%
C - closed at $52.27 down $2.45 or down 4.48%
AMGN - closed at $119.25 or up $1.16 or up 0.98%
I sold all my NSTG shares @ $19.95 making $922.25 in two weeks or 18%!
I am looking to buy back this stock at around $17!!!!!
I bought more RIG @ $46.71
I bought RIG 02/22/14 $41 calls @ $6.10
I bought NKE 02/22/14 $70 calls @ $4.00
I bought C 02/22/14 $50 calls @ $2.70
AMGN calls I bought @ $14.50 02/22/14 $100 calls closed at $19.20 - I want you to sell those calls @ $20.20 on an open order!!!
SD calls I bought @ .095 cents the 02/22/14 $5.00 calls closed at $1.02 - I want you to sell them @ $1.12 on an open order!!
ABT calls I bought @ $1.70 closed at $2.52 bid and at $2.63 offer - I want you to sell those call @ $3.00 on an open order!!!
I was looking for stocks to buy in the future.
I saw an article from "UNCOMMON WISDOM DAILY"
By Tony Sagami
Basically what it said.
was that 2 million more babies will be born in China!!
That should help PG and KMB which have penetrated the China market - that should be put on our radar!!
                                               "THAT'S JUST MY OPINION"
Thank You;
Len Dwelle 

Wednesday, January 15, 2014


                                                 "THAT'S JUST MY OPINION" - VOL - 27
I apologize for you followers about how I posted VOL. - 21 in front of VOL. - 26 !
Well here's what happened. I am 67 years old and my computer skills sometimes are lacking!!!!!
My wife pointed out to me 2 days ago, that the additional VOL. - 21, I wrote on January 3rd, 2014, I forgot to hit the publish button. So any of you out there that are over 67 years old please get computer advice from your 10 year old grandson or in my case my 20 years younger wonderful wife!!!!
Well the market is setting up to hit new all-time highs - shortly.
I told you to pay attention to bank earnings - so far so good and with good forward guidance, which is even more important. We have more bank earnings tomorrow.
Today I bought RIG @ $47.51 - only a third of a position I want to accumulate!

Why, well - Carl Icahn bought about 6% of the total float of outstanding shares at a price of $49!
If I can ever get a better price than Carl - entering into a stock position - I'd do it every time!!
I hope I cleared up any confusion, I may have caused!!!
Trivia question - there are 4 quarterbacks left in the NFL playoffs. Which quarterback was NOT drafted by a Major League Baseball Team?
Better yet - which quarterback was drafted by the Montreal Expos?
Stay tuned to my next post on Saturday - with my wife's help!!!
                                               "THAT'S JUST MY OPINION"
Thank You;
Len Dwelle

Monday, January 13, 2014


                                                      "THAT'S JUST MY OPINION" - VOL - 21
It's only two trading days into the new year and no one has brought up two very important items. These two items will force the market to rally to the end of January, and will propel the market higher up to the end of April ! 1st is earnings - they will be much better than expected and more important their forward guidance will be positive!
2nd - now look at this fact - the total number of US households that have some type of IRA - whether it is  a personal IRA or through their employer = 121.1 million households!!! When I saw this figure, I didn't believe that figure - but then I remembered that there are many families that have more than 1 IRA and some have 4! So the household number may be flawed but the 121.1 million figure I am sure is correct. That 121.1 million figure showed up from three different sources.
Here's the kicker - these IRA holders will add to their accounts before tax time - for tax reasons. The average deposit into these accounts, according to the IRS is $2,700.
Do you know what that equals?
That money will be put to work in those accounts.
Most of that money will find it's way into the US stock market!
That's why I am positive that this market will rally at least for the first quarter of 2014!!!
                                                         "THAT'S JUST MY OPINION"
Oh, I forgot the 3rd - reason - BOND RATES - have you noticed they are starting to creep up?
I believe the 10 year US treasury bond rate will creep to close to 4% by the end of the year.
If you own them - you will lose money!!!
You will start seeing money coming out of treasuries and some of that money will find it's way into the stock market.
Remember, in my last blog I told you there was a way to play the bond market and make money. If you have not called Steven Hanson at Foremost Trading, so you should. It doesn't cost anything to call him, however I believe it is worth the call! 1-888-818-0880  EXT. 536. He will guide you to ways to enhance your portfolio!
Now, let's check out this week's results:
Remember this week's results include two trading days in 2013.
DOW - for the week -8.42 or -0.05%
My holdings: For the week.
ABT - up 0.27 cents or up 0.70%
ABBV - down 0.25 cents or down 0.48%
DIS - up $1.76 or up 2.37%
AIG - down 0.26 cents or down 0.51%
MU - down 0.55 cents or down 2.56%
C - up $1.14 or up 2.18%
NKE- down 0.13 cents or down 0.17%
JCI - I wanted to buy on a scale down starting @ $50.23 down to $48.95
Well it had a loe of $50 soIi bought a third of a position @ $50.23



                                                "THAT'S JUST MY OPINION" - VOL - 26
Why? Was the DOW down today? Let's examine - Goldman Sacks (GS) stated today the market was fairly valued! Really! Do you think they want certain stocks to go down - so they can buy buy them for their clients?
Oil prices are going down! Retail stocks are having huge sales on their products!  My question to you is this -You as a consumer can buy gas cheaper and products cheaper is that more money in your pocket?
YES!!! That's great for us!! You notice I have no stocks in the oil field or the Macy"s of the world!!!
We have not even entered into the 4 weeks ahead of earnings!!!
Remember the Billionaire investors in this market - Warren Buffett, David Einhorn, T. Boone Pickens, Jim Simons, Lee Cooperman, Carl Icahn, Steven Cohen, John Paulson, David Tepper, Paul Tuder Jones,Ken Fisher ect. - did not not make their money in the market by buying on the highs or MORE IMPORTANTLY SELLING ON THE LOWS!!!!!! They bought stocks when they considered them cheap - AND THAT IS WHAT YOU NEED TO DO!!!!
Those of you that are 45 years and younger - you need to revisit "THAT'S JUST MY OPINION" - VOL -20. This is your chance in the next three years to make enough money to retire!!! Social Security will not exist when you get to 65!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't count on it!!!! Also go to Vol. - 21.
This is the time to buy stocks that you have done homework on!!!
I will give a list of stocks you need to look at on a scale down basis in my next blog!
Thank You;
Len Dwelle
                                             "THAT'S JUST MY OPINION"


Sunday, January 12, 2014


                                              "THAT'S JUST MY OPINION" VOL. - 25
If earnings you want - earnings you"ll get! The next four weeks just about everyone will be reporting earnings.
This week starting Tuesday the 14th - we have JP Morgan - street estimates are for $1.25 a share.
Wednesday - we have Wells Fargo - street estimates 0.98 cents a share.
Thursday - we have Citi Group - street estimates $1.01 a share.
Friday - we have GE - street estimates 0.53 cents a share.
And Morgan Stanley - street estimates 0.44 cents a share.
There are many more companies next week reporting earnings but I want you to concentrate on the ones above - especially the banks!
The banks are the key for this market to continue the rally!
                                                   "THAT'S JUST MY OPINION"
Thank You;
Len Dwelle  

Saturday, January 11, 2014


                                                      "THAT'S JUST MY OPINION" - VOL. 24
I apologize to you about how unclear I was about the option trades I have recommended! So I will try to clear that up for you!
SD - options - I bought 02/22/2014 $5.00 calls @ 0.95 cents - I want you to put in an open order to sell them @ $1.80
By the way SD - if and when it has two closes over $6.97 - it will not meet resistance to about $11.00 a share!
                                                       "THAT'S JUST MY OPINION"
ABT - options - I bought 02/22/2014 $37 calls @ $1.70 - I want you to put in an open order to sell them @ $3.40 - doubling your money! ABT will be reporting earnings soon!
AMGN - options - I bought 02/22/2014 $100 calls @ $14.50 - I want you to put in an open order to sell them @ $24.40.
DIS which I bought @ $50.29 - I sold 03/22/2014 $77.50 cover calls @ $2.40 - I want you to put in an open order to buy them back @ 0.10 cents.

I hope that clears that up!!!

Thank You;
Len Dwelle


Friday, January 10, 2014


                                                   "THAT'S JUST MY OPINION" -VOL. 23
I hate to keep bringing this up - It's not a stock market - it's having the correct stocks!!!!
Example - the DOW was down for the week 32.94 or down 0.20%
My wife and my son's accounts were up $2,393.71 for the week!!!!
Let's examine their portfolio!
ABT - up 0.93 for the week or up 2.41%
ABBV - down $1.40 for the week or down 2.68%
DIS - down .072 cents for the week or down 0.95%
NKE - down $1.11 or down for the week 1.42%
AIG - up $1.30 or up 2.55% for the week
NSTG - up $2.43 or up 14.23% for the week
SD - up .012 cents or up 2.02% for the week
JCI - up $1.07 or up 2.12% for the week
C - up $1.32 or up 2.47% for the week
MU - up $2.74 or up 13.07% for the week
I told you that that analyst who downgraded MU was wrong!!!!!
ABT calls I bought at $1.70 the 02/22/2014 $37 calls closed at $2.61
AMGN calls I bought down to $14.40 closed at  $17.95 bid
SD calls I bought at 0.95 cents closed at $1.08
DIS the covered calls I sold 03/22/2014 at $2.40 closed at $1.76
JCI the low for the week was $50.09 - I bought more at $50.23
NSTG the low for the week was $16.28 - I bought more at $16.55

Now for my rant of the week!
U.S. Employers hired the fewest number of workers in almost three years in December - Really - Typical Government stats - they are always wrong! - Wait for the revision in January!!! I do not trust any Government numbers and I am going to explain why - and if you do not believe me - go on line!
These are statements from "MONEY MORNING" that can be found on Google!
I wish I could credit to the staff reporter that reported this and I apologizes to him, but he deserves the credit!!! And I quote from this article.
There is another side to the U.S. unemployment problem. Believe it or not , there are 3 million jobs going unfilled.
Employer's can't seem to find the right match for more than 200,000 manufacturing jobs alone.
The Transportation, utilities and trade sectors have almost a half million jobs open, waiting for the right applicants.
These positions are for vocational or skilled workers, who are in short supply.
Robert Funk, chairman and chief executive of EXPRESS EMPLOYMENT PROFESSIONALS, a national staffing firm based in Oklahoma City that helped 335,000 people land jobs last year, told the NEW YORK TIMES "We currently have 18,000 open jobs orders we cannot fill"
How can so many jobs remain unfilled with U.S. unemployment so high?
One explanation is that many would-be workers lack the necessary skills to fill these positions than we've seen coming out of past recessions. Fink said.
There is a growing need for tradesmen, such as auto mechanics, appliance repairmen, plumbers,electricians and more!
Students that take vocational training in high school can graduate on a path that pushes them forward toward a career.
But many instead opt for college and end up not graduating, and lack the skills for many of these in-demand positions!
More young people should give the trades a longer look, salaries in many cases are quite good! And a student beginning his career immediately after high school has a four year head start compared to classmates who start their job search after college.
Take a look at these examples of jobs that do not require a college degree, but require skilled employees:
Elevator Repairmen and Installers
Average annual salary: $74,000
Subway and Streetcar Drivers/ Operators
Average annual salary: $59,000
Rotary Drill Operators, Oil and Gas
Average annual salary; $58,540
Average annual salary; $52,900
Brick Mason
Average annual salary; $50,760
And so on!
It may be time to explore adding more vocational tech classes to our high schools!!!! 
                                                  "THAT'S JUST MY OPINION"
But Washington  doesn't get it!!!
Thank You;
Len Dwelle

Sunday, January 5, 2014


                                                         "THAT'S JUST MY OPINION" - VOL - 22
The first question - I was asked. "why don't you put in some kind of warning to investors about a market downfall?"
If you have followed my blog for the last 9 or more months, I have warned investors that the pundits were warning about a large corrections in the market and their reasoning was unsound and worse stupid!!!
Their logic made absolutely no sense to me! Syria - Egypt - Let me ask you this - how many products do you have in your house from Syria and Egypt? I may be one of a few, but I have none - so who cares!
Oh, but that will disrupt our oil supplies - wake up -the US is on the road to energy independence despite the EPA!
Oh, what about a China slowdown in their economy? With a population over a BILLION people and with a rising middle class that wants AMERICAN products - they will import every product we can produce!
I am sick and tired of listening to market pundits trying to pick a top in this market so they can make a name for themselves!! When I see tell tale signs of a market correction - believe me you will here it from me. That's why you have to keep my blog post and check it everyday so you are not caught off guard!!!!
If I see warning signs - I'll let you know. This is another reason to call Steven Hanson at Foremost Trading, for the just in case scenario!  Phone # 888-818-0880 EXT. 536.
Second question - Why don't you recommend AAPL or GOOG?
Don't get me wrong- I love these stocks, however my goal is to top my 2013 returns and get to the 30% return for the year.
AAPL closed at $540.93 - for it to go up 30% for the year it has to attain a price of $703.21!!!
That is not my concern - it's how many shares can I buy at a price of  $540.93 to make it worth while?
GOOG closed at $1105.00 - for it to go up 30% for the year it has attain a price of $1436.50!!!!
Same scenario - has many shares can I buy to make it worth while?
Third question - What about housing in 2014 and beyond?
Good question and here's my answer.
Hedge funds have gone out and bought over 200,000 foreclosed homes so far and they are going to buy more!!!!
Why is this a factor?
Because from 2005 to 2007 anyone that owned a pencil could get a mortgage!!!
When I bought my first house, I had to put 20% down!!
These people took advantage of a situation that they had no right to get involved with!!
Now we are in a situation that you have to put skin in the game and these new families cannot come up with 20% down - so they have to rent!!!!
In the next year or so there will not be any existing homes left to sell - home prices will skyrocket!!!
                                                    "THAT'S JUST MY OPINION"

Thank You.
Len Dwelle

Friday, January 3, 2014


                                            "THAT'S JUST MY OPINION" - VOL. - 21
With most of the money managers still on vacation - the first 2 trading days had very little volume! The spreads on most stocks between the bid price and the offer price was so wide - you could have driven a truck through it!!!
Monday starts the real action in the market! Do not be fooled how the first 2 trading days started out - January is going to finish strong and I'll give you reasons why!
1. - earnings start coming out in earnest in the middle of the month - earnings will be surprisingly much better than the street expects! Better yet, companies will give strong upbeat future guidance!
2. - Here is something the pundits are not talking about, but you need to know!
The total number of US households that have some kind of IRA or 401K's or Sep. accounts is an astounding 121.1 million families. When I saw that figure I could not believe it! I thought about it for awhile and I remembered that there are people that have as many as 4 of these accounts, so my conclusion is that the family numbers my be wrong, but the 121.1 million figure is correct. I got that figure from three different sources.
Now here is the kicker! According to the IRS the average account will deposit an average of $2,700 into each one of these accounts by April 15th, 2014 - for tax reasons! Most of that money will be deposited well before April 15th - I believe!
Do you know how much money that is?
Where do you think most of that money will go into?
I believe most of that will find its way into the US stock market!
Why hasn't anyone brought this up?
3. In my last blog, I warned you about the US treasuries. Have you noticed how the interest rates have started to creep up? I can see the US 10 year treasury bond at 4% by the end of the year!
If you are long US treasuries - you will lose money.
In my last blog, I suggested that you call Steven Hanson at Foremost Trading and see how you can enhance your stock portfolio with ways to take advantage of rising interest rates! It costs nothing to call him and see what he suggests! 1-888-818-0880  EXT. 536.
Now, lets check out this last week!
Remember the following figures will include the last 2 days of trading in 2013!
The DOW was down 8.42 or down 0.05%
My holdings:
ABT - up 0.27 cents or up 0.70%
ABBV - down 0.25 cents or down 0.48%
DIS - up $1.76 or up 2.37%
AIG - down 0.26 cents or down 0.51%
MU - down 0.55 cents or down 2.56%
C - up $1.14 or up 2.18%
NKE - down 0.13 cents or down 0.17%
JCI - I wanted to buy this stock on a scale down basis starting @$50.23 down to $48.95.
The low for the week was $50
I bought a third of a position @ $50.23
SD - I bought 40 call options 02/22/2014 $5 calls @ 0.95 cents - closed @ $1.05
NSTG - I bought on Tues. @ $17.09 - it closed @ $17.08.
I want to buy more @ $16.55.
ABT calls - Tues. I bought calls 02/22/2014 $37 calls @ $1.70 - it closed @ $2.02
AMGN - on Tues. I bought calls 02/22/2014 $100 calls @ $14.75 - it closed @ $15.10
I want to buy more @ $14.40
DIS - on Tues. I sold covered calls 03/22/2014 $77.50 calls @ $2.40 - it closed @ $2.34.
MU was down on a downgrade - I read the report - the guys wrong - his conclusions were insane!!!!

Happy New Year!!!!
Thank you;
Len Dwelle 

Wednesday, January 1, 2014


                                                 "THAT'S JUST MY OPINION" - VOL. 20
It was a banner year! The S&P's rose 31.9%. The DOW rose 26.5%. The NASDAQ rose 38.3%.
I know your heads are a bit fuzzy today, so you may have to read this blog more than twice for it to sink in!
I'm going to go over investments that will enable you to top 2013! We are in a sweet spot that I have not seen in the 44 years I have been trading! What do I mean? Long the correct stocks and short the treasury bond market. I will get to those trades later but first I have to rant!
The main stream media is starting to make me ill! I will guarantee to all of you that you will hear the following.  "Well that's great that the market went up but the middle class did not participate and become 30% richer than they were in 2012. Only the wealthy got rich." - REALLY. Tell that to my wife, who is a professor at a university. Tell that to my son that is a regional sales manager for a high profile tennis company. Tell that to all the teachers in the great USA, and nurses that work long hours and have TIAA-CREF accounts and are 30% wealthier than in 2012! Do I need to go on?
Now, listen up all of you that are 45 years and younger - If you believe that you will receive a social security check upon retirement - you must be living in Colorado!!!! You need to take charge of your money and you need to start now!!! Take 10% of what you earn a year and invest in the market with either mutual funds or a reputable money manager. You have 20 or more years before you retire. Do you know where the DOW was 20 years ago? Try 3,775.88!!!!!! Yesterday it closed at 16,576.66!!!!! How's that for a return on your money!!!!!
Let's get back to making money in 2014! Certain stocks in the stock market are poised for major gains in the next two years! Why do I say that? Let's apply logic here - if you own stocks that announced big dividend increases and stock buybacks, those are the stocks that are going to rally! Why you ask? When stocks buy back their shares that creates less shares outstanding. So what you say! I'll tell you so what -if those companies are able to increase profit margins with less shares outstanding - it does not take a rocket scientist to figure out that the stock price will appreciate!
Do not fall asleep on me now or turn me off and watch ancient aliens or DIY - pay attention - this could be the start of you accumulating money for your retirement - That's important!
In my last blog, I told you that if you have US treasury bonds in your portfolio, you will lose money for the next 2 years - at least! However, I have good news for you. You can make money having stocks and at the same time take advantage of interest rates going up - increasing your percentage of return!
How do I take advantage of interest rates going higher? Managed futures, especially with (CTA'S) or commodity trading advisers. I can hear you scratching your head from here!! What is he talking about?
I will concentrate on the stock side of your portfolio, however I have the man on the bond side you need to talk with to see if that side is right for you! It costs nothing to call and ask that question. His name is Steven Hansen at Foremost Trading. Steven has over 30 years experience in this investing space and specializes in building managed futures portfolio's for high net worth individuals, pension funds and corporations. There is an opportunity for the smaller investor as some of the account minimums can be as low as $10,000 to $20,000. Steven can be reached at 888-818-0880  Ext. 536 or at
Full disclosure - I make nothing on this recommendation - period!!! He knows how to make money for you folks and that's all I care about - your success!
Remember, I told you if you are 45 or younger do not count on social security - try this fact - 10,000 baby boomers will turn 65 today and about 10,000 more will cross that threshold every day for the next 19 years!!!!! Think about that - who is going to be left to pay for the ponzi scheme that is social security?
Stay awake people!!!
My son and my wife ended the year with a 32.457% profit for the year - not including dividends because stocks like ABBV do not have dividend re-investment programs.
Let's check out the last 2 days of the year trading wise!
DOW - up 98.25 or 0.60%
My stocks
ABT - down 0.04 cents or down 0.10%
ABBV - up .026 cents or up 0.49%
DIS - up $2.05 cents or up 2.76%
AIG - down 0.13 cents or down 0.25%
MU - up 0.23 cents or up 1.07%
C - down 0.15 cents or down 0.29%
NKE - up 0.48 cents or up 0.61%
So what did I trade this week?
I own DIS @ $50.29 - I sold covered calls for 03/22/2014 $77.50 @ $2.40
Basically selling DIS @ $79.40 for a 57.884% return in a little less than 1 year - not bad.
So what happened on this trade is I collected $240 per call.
So what is the worse case scenario?
On 03/22/2014 DIS closes over $77.50 and my stock gets called away and I keep the $240 per call.
Plus I get to keep the dividends between now and then.
Remember I wanted to buy JCI starting @ $50.23 down to $48.95. Well the low so far this week was $50.65. I want to own this stock so I will raise my buy points this week - I'll let you know!
SD I wanted to buy @ $5.75 down to $5.51 - the low for the week was $5.85 - so I took matters into my own hands and bought 40 calls 02/22/2014 $5 calls @ 0.95 cents a call - controlling 4000 shares.
The stock closed @ $6.07 - Thank you very much!!!!
I bought a bio-tech stock NSTG @ $17.09 and am looking to add on any break - I believe this is a possible take over target in the future!
I wanted to add to my position on ABT so I bought calls 02/22/2014 $37 calls @ $1.70 - I believe I will double my money on these calls!
I bought AMGN calls 02/22/2014 $100 calls @ $14.75 and looking to add more around $14.20 - Again I believe this is a double!
Ok , I have bored you enough!!
I just want to wish all of you a HAPPY NEW YEAR and a healthy one also!!!!
Thank You;
Len Dwelle

Worst case scenario - DIS closes over $77.50 on the close of 03/22/2014 - my stock gets called away and I keep the $240 that I collected directly into my account creating a 57.884% return - in the mean time I will still collect it's dividends.
Remember on my last blog I wanted to buy JCI starting @ $50.23 down to $45.95.
The low so far this week is $50.65 - I'm going to raise my buy points later this week - I want this stock!
SD I wanted to buy starting @ $5.75 down to $5.51 - The low so far this week was $5.85.
So I took matters into my own hands and found a better way to buy this stock.
I bought 02/22/2014 $5.00 calls @ 0.95 cents - I bought 40 of those controlling 4000 shares - remember every call ca