Friday, November 1, 2013

                                 " IT'S JUST MY OPINION" - VOL - 10
BAC, I was high on this stock until I found out that they are going to be attacked by the FHFA, Fannie Mae and the Justice apartment are going after BAC for $8.88 billion! Now these organizations went after JP Morgan Chase, with a settlement of $13 billion! Now JP Morgan can handle this is because it is an international Bank! I do not think BAC can take this hit, because it is a US bank!!!!
That's why I sold it! Now the administration aka Eric Holder and Co. are not friendly to business!
Why, I do not know! However, I have a guess and it is anti-business!
Where does this $ go to - that is a good question!
That these $ cannot go back into the US economy!!! What's the theory behind this behavior?
rumor - ATT buying Vodaphone! The Sprint CEO said on CNBC that there is more consolidation coming!
CLMT went ex-dividend on Thursday. In other words, the stock should have been down .685 cents, however it went down more than that., So what! I have owned this stock for over 14 months, in that time I collected over $2.74 per share! So buying this stock @ $29.22 has not hurt me! Once the Keystone pipeline is approved - look out this stock could double!!!!
Today, all I listened to on CNBC and Bloomberg the market is way overbought - Bull!!!!!
Do any of you know history? September and October are supposed to be the worst months for the stock market! They were not! What does that mean? November and December are the best months!
This market is going to explode to the upside! All of you on the sidelines or in bonds you will lose out on the biggest upside market in history!
Today, I bought AIG n@ $48.12. This is a steal - normal volume is around 9,300,000 million shares.
Today the volume was over 51,000,000! All the momentum traders and the weak holders are now out of this stock!
It is time to buy AIG!!
I'M looking at AMGN - stay toned!!!
Thank You,
Len Dwelle

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