Monday, November 4, 2013


                                      "IT'S JUST MY OPINION"

Here we go again! Everyone is saying we may be a stock bubble!! BULL!
There is so much cash on the sidelines waiting for a stock market correction that will not happen!
Remember November and December are the best months for a stock market rally! Why are they worried - oh the consumer will not spend $ thru the Christmas season! Again - BULL!
Don't listen to these morons! This market is headed a lot higher - period! If your on the sidelines, you will miss out on the greatest bull market in history. If you are invested in bonds or in cash - good luck, because you will lose money even with a low inflation rate! Wake up!
You have to be a stock picker because this is not a stock market, it's a market with the correct stocks. I have them - I've only been doing this since 1969! Let me help you.
For example AIG which I bought on Friday @ $48.12 was an absolute steal! It's net asset value is around $60!
CLMT which is one of 11 stocks I own, was just downgraded - what did I tell you in an earlier blog? These pundits always upgrade stocks when there too high and downgrade stocks when there too low!
They get paid a lot of money to do this - don't ask me why because they are more wrong than they are right! CLMT pay a yearly dividend of $2.74. It's concentrated in Bakken area - the future of American energy independence! This stock will trade twice what it's trading at today two years down the road - "THAT'S JUST MY OPINION".
Now lets go to BA this stock is producing fuel efficient airplanes, replacing 25 year old airplanes. This stock will have at least a 5 year run to the upside! I do not own this stock - but I wish I did!
If this stock continues to go higher, I can see a 2 for 1 stock split on this stock. The last time BA split was in May of 1997. Look for this this to happen in the near future. Remember, when stocks split 75% of the time in 3 to 4 years the stock goes back the original price prior to the stock split. This would be a huge win for investors! "THAT'S JUST MY OPINION".
By the way, it looks as if we are going to get shut out of the Twitter IPO - It looks as if the institutional investors are the ones that are going to get this stock on the IPO price - go figure us small guys get shut out again! Not to worry do not buy this stock on the first day of trading - wait a week and I'll tell you what price you should buy it at.
Thank You,
Len Dwelle

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