Friday, November 29, 2013


                                         "IT'S JUST MY OPINION" - VOL. 17

The FED will not taper till March of 2014. Anyone that thinks the FED will taper earlier is a moron!
Why - the FED knows that the annual GDP number will be at or under 2%. They know the unemployment rate will not approach 6.5% for a very long time. They do not trust Washington to come up with good decisions to move our great country forward economically!
Therefore - no taper till March.
There is so much cash on the sidelines waiting to get into this market - that on any down move in the market will be met with buyers. Thus this market will rally till the end of the year!
                                               "THAT'S JUST MY OPINION"
Let's look at the 3 stocks I told you to watch on my last blog.
C - up .51 cents for the week or .97%
Yahoo - up .49 cents for the week or 1.34%
MU - up .91 cents for the week or 4.51%

Now lets look at stocks on my watch list.
T - I believe this stock needs to be bought on a scale down basis starting at $35.10 down to $34.11
ABBV - a spin off of ABT yields 3.30% - any close over $50.20 - this stock will climb to higher levels.
ABT - yields 2.30% - a close over $38.81 - this stock should climb higher.
AIG - a close over it's 52 week high - $53.33 - this stock should go higher.
BIP - yields 4.30% should be bought on a scale down basis starting at $38.21 down to $36.57.
MO - buy on a scale down basis starting at $36.81 down to $34.58.
CLMT - yields 10% - when this stock closes over $31.73 - it needs to be bought.
MFA - yields 26%!!! a close over $7.75 - this stock will climb higher.
LULU - this stock is way oversold on a weekly basis - a close over $70.49 should propel this stock to its 52 week high of $82.53.

                                      "THAT'S JUST MY OPINION"
Thank You,
Len Dwelle

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