Monday, June 30, 2014


                                                "THAT'S JUST MY OPINION" - VOL. - 54
There is a reason why I brought this song up - "Save a Horse ( Ride a Cowboy ) by Big and Rich - released in 2004.
My wife and I just came back from Louisville and Lexington, KY. My wife attended a conference - that dealt with horses and horse care - it was attended by people in the horse business from many states in the US and other countries. The horse farms and horse facilities in Kentucky are mind boggling!
So I ask you where did the DOW close on December 31st, 2004? Answer - 10,783.01.
Where did the DOW close on June 30th, 2014 - the last day of the second quarter?
Answer - 16,826.60!!!!
Those of you who are not involved in the stock market - you are missing out on the biggest BULL market in my lifetime! Anyone that tells you the market is too risky - are people that do not want you to succeed.
The market goes up, the market goes down - but in the long run - the market goes up!!! 
When the DOW closed at 16,460.49 - I made a bold prediction that by some time in June - the DOW would hit 17,230. Well the DOW got as high as 16,970.17 - so I was off by 260.17 points - however the DOW did rise 510 points - when I made that prediction.
I did not anticipate that one of the Federal Reserve members said that the FED should raise rates sooner rather than later - This in spite that the first  - first quarter estimate of the US GDP was down 1% - Then in the middle of last week - they revised the first quarter to - 2.9%!!!! The worst first quarter in 5 years!!!
Yet this idiot FED member wants to raise interest rates!!! Does this moron live in Colorado? So the market went down - unbelievable!!!
So why do I believe the market will still go higher?
1) Corporations have more cash on the books since the 1960's !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Look for more merger and acquisitions from now till the end of the year!
2) Look at the railroad stocks - they are very close to 52 week highs!
They must be moving something that is good for our economy!!!
Here is the most interesting part - and why it is important to have the correct stocks in your portfolio!!!
My wife's, my Son's and others - made new all-time highs today!!!!
Let's look at what they own.
As of today's close:
DIS - closed @ $ 85.74 or up 0.44 cents or up 0.52%
MU - closed @ $ 32.95 or up $ 1.44 or up 4.57%
AIG - closed @ $ 54.58 or down 0.03 cents or down 0.05%
JCI - closed @ $ 49.93 or down 0.13 cents or down 0.28%
CHK - closed @ $ 31.08 or up 0.68 cents or up 2.24%
RIG - closed @ $ 45.03 or up 0.50 cents or up 1.12%
FDML - closed @ $ 20.23 or down 0.09 cents or down 0.44%
SD - closed @ $ 7.15 or up 0.03 cents or up 0.42%
NKE - closed @ $ 77.55 or down 0.13 cents or down 0.17%
GE - closed @ $ 26.28 or down 0.15 cents or down 0.57%

Have a great week!!
                                     "THAT'S JUST MY OPINION"
Thank You;
Len Dwelle

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