Friday, February 21, 2014


                                                   "THAT'S JUST MY OPINION" - VOL. 36
Maybe it's me - but when I look around the rest of the world - I'm beginning to believe the GREAT USA is the only country on the planet that is not in the stone age!!!
The market on Wednesday was up almost 90 points then went to down almost 90 points! Why? The riots in Kiev and airline bomb threats coming from overseas to the US and the FEDERAL RESERVE MINUTES indicating interest rate hikes in the later half of 2015. NOISE - NOISE - NOISE - someone please hand me my noise reduction head-phones!!!!!!
Unrest in Egypt,Syria,Ukraine,on and on and on!!! Please do me a favor go around your house - tell me how many items you have from these countries!!! I'll bet NONE!!! I hate to sound as if I do not care - because I feel sorry for those people - believe me! However, what does that have to do with US companies earning?
With over 90% of the S&P 500 companies reporting their 4th quarter earnings - profits are on track for over a 9% increase!!!!!!! According to RBC Capital Markets - that's 3 full points higher than analysts expected!!!
Why is that important? The street is going to have to raise their forecasts not only on these stocks - but on the entire market in general. I must caution you that not all stocks will participate in the upcoming rally!
Remember it is not just a stock market - IT IS A MARKET OF STOCKS!!!! You have to own the correct stocks!!!!!
Why are certain stocks going to make you money? Look at what is happening in M&A - That's Mergers and Acquisitions - Global M&A stands at $496.8 BILLION so far in 2014!!!!! US M&A volume stands at $320.2 BILLION so far in 2014 - That's an increase of 34% from 2013!!!!!!
That is just the beginning!!! Companies are going to buy out other companies at rate not seen in years!!!
Morons are coming out of the woodwork trying to predict the top of the stock market - in order to make a name for themselves -PLEASE PUT ON YOUR NOISE-CANCELING HEADPHONES!!!!!!
These idiots actually pointed to Billionaire George Soros's Fund increased it's "BEARISH BET" on the S&P INDEX with a $1.3 BILLION put position - which is 11.13% of his fund. Remember a put position is a bet the market is going down.
These morons forget to mention Soros Fund purchased 12,580,700 shares of MSFT! and bought
1,515,730 shares of FEDEX or that his fund bought 1,911,335 shares of HAL! Amazing to me!!!
Oh, I forgot - he also bought 9.3 million shares of TEVA!!!
Activist - Billionaire - Carl Icahn suggests that he seeks strategic alternatives for his investment in CHK - STAY TUNED!!!
Watch for Icahn to get more involved in his stake in FDML and RIG-!!!
David Einhorn's Greenlight added $1 billion position in MU in the 4th quarter!!
AIG's book value is now up to $68.62 - with the shares trading at around $50 - that represents  a discount to book value of 29.70!!!!!!!!!!
Follow the money people - They are not BILLIONAIRES because they make bad bets!!!!
Let's look at this weeks action.
The DOW closed @ 16,103.30  - for the week down 51.09 or down 0.32%
The high for the week was 16,225.72 - we need to watch that # - Why? - 2 closes over that # - we will be on our way to a new all-time high!!!
                                                   "THAT'S JUST MY OPINION"
Let's look at my Wife's and my Son's  account! For the week.
DIS - closed @ $80.13 - up 0.90 cents or up 1.14%
Now 21.47% of their portfolio
On 2/19/2014 I bought back the covered calls 03/2014 $77.50 calls @ $2.85 - lost a little but gained a lot on the stock!!!
NKE - closed @ $76.48 - up $1.41 or up 1.88%
Now is 21.14% of their portfolio
AIG - closed @ $48.98 - up 0.00 or up 0.00%
Now is 21.76% of their portfolio
SD - closed @ $6.40 - down 0.01 cents or down 0.16%
Now is 4.1% of their portfolio
MU - closed @ $25.08 - up 0.00 cents or up 0.00%
Now is 14.90% of their portfolio
JCI - closed @ $49.72 - up 0.72 cents or up 1.47%
Now is 3.81% of their portfolio
RIG - closed @ $43.14 - up 0.57 cents or up 1.34%
Now is 8.9% of their portfolio
FDML - closed @ $17.53 - up 0.62 cents or up 3.67%
Now is 1.36% of their portfolio
CHK - closed @ $26.57 - $1.43 or up 5.69%
Now is 2.56% of their portfolio
Next week should be interesting!!!!
                                                 "THAT'S JUST MY OPINION"
Thank You;
Len Dwelle



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