Friday, December 20, 2013


                                               "THAT'S JUST MY OPINION" VOL. - 18
The DOW for the week was up $465.78 or up 2.96%!!!! Closed at 16,221.14!!!! I did not think the FED would taper - but tapering $10 Billion a month is a drop in the bucket!!! - However, I loved their outlook on the American economy! Let's face it, the FED sees economic numbers long before we do! I have to say they got it right! So let's try to figure out why the market exploded to the upside after the FED announcement. It wasn't the small taper number but I believe it was a combination of the taper and their economic forecast  that made the DOW rise almost 300 points after the announcement! We all have to realize one important fact about the great minds this country has -out of our 300 million population! Let's be honest here, population wise this country is small compared to the rest of the world! So why does this great country of ours - The great USA, the greatest country GOD ever created, have people that create ideas that become products, that everyone on the planet has to have? It's called FREEDOM! Freedom to think, freedom to imagine, freedom to execute ideas into real products! This market has a long way to go to the upside!!!!!!!!!
                                                 "THAT'S JUST MY OPINION"
I was watching Bloomberg and they showed a segment where Blackrock was buying 1,500 foreclosed houses in the Atlanta area - they mentioned 2 other companies going into Florida and California buying thousands of foreclosed homes - hiring people to clean them up so they can rent them out - It's not only a new business but think about this- it's just a matter of time existing homes will be in very short supply - good news for existing home owners, because their homes will start to appreciate in price for years to come!
Now lets look at the stocks I own for my wife and my son, who are about the same age (that's another story) and are about 20 years away from retirement.
AIG - which I bought @ $48.12 - it has a book value of $67 a share and is trading at 75% of it's book value - most insurance companies are trading between 90% to 110% of their book value - Look for a big increase in it's dividend payout, coming soon!
AIG - for the week up $1.30 or up 2.61%
C - which I bought @ $51.03 - for the week was up $1.24 or up 2.43%
ABBV - which they acquired on the ABT stock spinoff over 14 months ago was up 0.22 cents or up 0.42%
for the week.
ABT - for the week up $1.44 or up 3.96%
DIS - for the week up $2.78 or up 3.99%
NKE - for the week up 0.94 cents or up 1.23%
Now both my wife and my son's account is up 31.237% for the year.
However, I've been thinking about what to invest in- in 2014 and to rearrange their portfolio's!
This is what I did on the close today.
I sold T, MO, BIP, CLMT, MFA, Why you ask? I see no future for these stocks in 2014 - Don't get wrong they have great dividends, but I believe there are stocks out there that need to be look at for large capital gains in 2014!
The stocks I'm looking to buy are
JCI  - Why? I have to admit I got this idea from Jim Cramer and Stephanie Link - they are citing possible spin-offs of all or part of it's automotive business, which should release value at it's current price. I'm a buyer on a scale down starting @$50.23 down to $48.95.
SD - Why? I have to admit I got this idea from Lee Cooperman, who thinks this stock is a double in 2014!
I'm a buyer starting at $5.75 on a scale down basis down to $5.51.
I have more stocks for 2014 - You'll have to wait till next time!
                                                   "THAT'S JUST MY OPINION"

Thank You,
Len Dwelle

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